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ALL students pursuing PhDs in biomedical sciences are invited and encouraged to participate in our IMSD program! Limited grant funding is available to support students who are citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. and from broad backgrounds and life experiences, especially individuals from groups that have historically had limited opportunities in biomedical research and on a national basis.

IMSD participants can choose from a menu of outstanding professional development opportunities that enable each individual student to reach their full potential. These opportunities are available in group and one-on-one sessions with nationally recognized professional consultants for scientific writing and career planning.

Since outstanding scholastic performance makes students more competitive for fellowships and training grants, IMSD also offers tremendous academic support tailored to meet the specific needs of each IMSD participant. Academic coaches are senior graduate students and PhDed scientists who provide academic enrichment for courses, development of critical analysis skills, and comprehensive exam preparation. Additionally, academic coaches and experienced IMSD graduate students provide mentorship to assist first year students with their transition into graduate school.