Dr. Heather Frank is a PGY-4 resident in the combined Internal Medicine and Pediatrics program. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Cellular Neuroscience from Colgate University and spent two years as a Post-Baccalaureate Intramural Research Fellow at the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Frank went on to earn her MD from Duke University School of Medicine where she spent a year working at the Duke Margolis Center for Health Policy. Throughout her medical training she has sought out opportunities to care for Spanish-speaking patients to understand and address various barriers to healthcare. Through the Global Health Scholars’ Program, she worked under the mentorship of Dra. Cecilia Uribe, the medical director of Child Family Health International, Bolivia, who is an expert in socioeconomic determinants of health and healthcare delivery strategies in low-resource setting.
She collaborated with local physicians and patient advocates in La Paz and El Alto, Bolivia to study interculturality as a determinant of sexual health for adolescent women of Aymara descent. She will also present early work on a needs assessment regarding access to Palliative Care in Bolivia.
RSVP by 12 noon on Thursday, March 21 to get a lunch for the in-person event in Roper 4302. We will also host it live on zoom if you cannot attend in person – https://zoom.us/j/3111814366