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*Course Unavailable until further notice*

Course Number: GLBE 204/404

Course Title:Community-based Primary Health Care Elective in Nicaragua

Who can Participate?: 1st year medical students & 4th year medical students.

Course description:

Learning Objectives: Students will learn how community based primary health care functions in a semi-urban setting in Managua, Nicaragua. 2. Students will gain knowledge about the diagnosis and treatment of tropical diseases (such as dengue and Chikungunya). 3. Students will participate in the care of patients in a primary care clinic and gain understanding of the challenges of providing good patient care in a low resource setting. 4. Students will participate in patient education and support groups and will identify and discuss the benefits and challenges of various preventive health care strategies. Students may choose to work with local staff to improve the existing curriculum or develop new curriculum. 5. Students will develop an understanding of the social determinants of health through home visits in the semi-urban community surrounding the clinic, through interactions with patients in clinic and through working with local CHWs. 6. Students will experience cross-cultural communication and discuss the importance of cultural competency in a clinical context and in a community context. 7. Students will work with the local CHWs and learn from them about the important role of CHWs in a resource poor setting. Students will also serve as teachers and mentors to the CHWs as they work together in the clinic and in the community. 8. Students will read about global health strategies and discuss with local staff. Students will experience how AMOS works to empower communities and improve health outcomes in both urban and rural settings and discuss these strategies in relation to other global strategies.

Learning Activities: History/Patient Interview,Physical exam,Clinic,Didactic sessions,Interpretation of lab results,Observe procedures,Community health practice

Evaluation: Interview patients/Take history,Physical exam,Observed administering procedures,Develop differential diagnosis,Develop treatment plan,Presentation/Patient presentation,Patient write-ups, Performance during community health practice

Requirements: Completion of all application phase courses. Spanish.

Course Director: Sylvia Becker-Dreps. Additional Faculty: Rick Hobbs, Martha Carlough. Primary contact: Reid Johnson ( 984-974-4898

Course Credit: Yes, 6 credit hours

Time of Year & duration: March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January, February

Special instructions: There are program fees associated with this elective