MEDI 481 – Preventive Cardiology
Sherley Chhibber, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College (India)
Tell us about your elective rotation experience.
My elective is preventive cardiology research so it’s part research and part clinical experience, so that’s been helpful for me. Dr. Simpson has been a really good mentor for my research program, and I would like to work with him in the future. He’s really encouraging and polite.
Did you come to UNC for Dr. Simpson?
No, it just happened, fortunately it happened. He is so motivating, and he likes research and that’s why he’s so interested in it. Because of him, I am interested in research. It wasn’t like this when I started thinking about this about my research elective back home. I started reading about it and everything, I wasn’t sure until then. But coming here and working with him, I think I would like to pursue research. He is so focused and so patient-oriented in the clinic. That’s given me direction for how to manage a patient and think about their problems and what we should do. This has been a great experience for me and has been new for me. We are here 5 days a week, we do research and read about it. And then finally we go to the clinics and see the patients and they are exactly how we read it. It’s helpful and has been a great experience. This has been my favorite part of my elective.
How has your elective experience shaped your career goals?
This has been an amazing experience for my future career. UNC is a friendly environment. The Office of International Activities staff are amazing at what they do. They made us feel at home from day one. I haven’t had this much interaction with any office of international activities until now, the office is amazing.
Do you have any advice for future students?
I would advise students to read about their electives and read about how patients are managed here at UNC. UNC is more treatment oriented, you are reading about the patient and once you know everything about them, then you go on to the treatment. That’s the focus here. Also, it would really help if you take your CK and CS exams first.