Elizabeth Fitzgerald, MD
Assistant Professor in Pediatrics- Emergency Medicine
Thursday, October 19, 2017
UNC Hospitals Starbucks (upstairs)
View Lecture: https://panopto-web.med.unc.edu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=54ffca24-072d-4301-8467-7e9ea71d8c98
View Powerpoint: Telling their Stories. GHF ppt
Dr. Elizabeth Fitzgerald is an Assistant Professor in Pediatrics in the Division of Emergency Medicine at UNC Chapel Hill. She focuses her academic interest in Global Health, and is currently the advisor for the Pediatric Global Health residency tract and the director of pediatric activities in Malawi.
Dr. Fitzgerald obtained her medical degree at UNC Chapel Hill in 2000. She completed her pediatric residency at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in 2004, then spent a year in southern Belize, as medical director of the Hillside Healthcare Clinic in Punta Gorda. After working for several years in a community Emergency Department, she joined the Baylor Pediatric Global Health Service Corps, and spent two years in Lilongwe, Malawi. She returned to UNC in 2011 to complete her fellowship in Pediatric Emergency Medicine. Since starting fellowship, she has continued to return to Malawi to provide clinical care and help mentor Malawian physicians in PEM.