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Dear Students, Faculty and Staff:

Each year, hundreds of people in the Carolina community travel internationally for important academic, research, and outreach opportunities.  We would like to remind you of university requirements and resources that can help inform your plans for safe and productive international travel.

UNC Global Travel Registry 

Anyone traveling internationally in affiliation with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill must register the trip in the university’s Global Travel Registry.  The Global Travel Registry is a secure database of itineraries and contact information for students, faculty, and staff traveling abroad in connection with UNC.  The information travelers provide is restricted to authorized departmental and university administrators and is used only to facilitate communication with those who may be in a global crisis situation.  Some students on approved programs offered through the Office of Study Abroad or through a professional school administrator may be pre-registered and, in such instances, would not need to register independently.  For more information, please see or contact Andrew Hunt in the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost at 919.962.3622 or

Insurance Coverage Abroad

Anyone traveling abroad in affiliation with the university must also enroll in the international health, evacuation, and repatriation insurance program established by the UNC System Office and administered by GeoBlue.  To enroll, please contact Janet Hoernke in Risk Management Services at 919.962.6681 or  Some students on approved programs offered through the Office of Study Abroad or through a professional school administrator may be pre-enrolled and, in such instances, would not need to enroll independently.  For other travel not affiliated with UNC, we encourage you to review your insurance coverage before traveling and, if necessary, consider purchasing a supplemental policy to cover you while abroad.

Travel Warnings and Alerts 

The university monitors State Department Travel Advisories, CDC Travel Health Notices, and daily world news briefings and security alerts.  In accordance with this and other available information, the university assigns an appropriate travel risk level for each world country.  Travel to countries with elevated risk levels caries certain implications for university-related travel.  Click the link above for a list of countries with elevated travel risks as well as information on additional requirements for traveling to these nations.

For additional travel information, resources, and tips visit:

This message is sponsored by: Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost