I have built a career in both clinical and translational research of brain tumors, both primary and those resulting from metastasis. Clinically, I primarily see adult brain tumor patients and conduct/initiate clinical trials to meet the needs of this patient population. On the research side, I have a long-standing interest in clinically important membrane transport proteins. I have conducted genetic and biochemical research on transporters, channels, and pumps during my doctoral research at the University of Cambridge, my post-doctoral studies at Yale University, and at various institutions (Yale, Johns Hopkins, University of Cambridge) whilst training in medicine at the University of Cambridge. Membrane transport proteins that I have worked on in the past include the proton-ATPase (mentor: C. Slayman) and the TAP transporter (mentor: P. Lehner), which is critical to antigen processing. Following receipt of my medical degree, I pursued advanced medical and additional research training in the U.S. (Johns Hopkins, Harvard) and received continuous funding from the NIH to pursue this research (NINDS-R25, NCI-K12, NINDS-K08). In my current and previous roles as a neuro-oncologist, I have led and been part of many multi-disciplinary teams and clinical trials, which will facilitate the collaborations that are proposed in this grant. I was the co-first author in the recently published Phase 3 clinical trial, NCT03632135. I have mentored a number of medical students, residents, fellows, and post-doctoral fellows, and I champion diversity, equity and inclusion. I am a diversity co-leader in the Brain Tumor Committee of the NRG. In my current position, 70% of my time is protected for research, including clinical trials.
At this time, my lab is focused on: (1) development of a therapeutic approach for treatment of primary and pediatric brain tumors as well as cancers that commonly metastasize to the CNS (lung and melanoma); (2) translation of technological advances that may impact treatment of pediatric and adult brain tumors. I have collaborated extensively with biomedical engineers in the development of technologies with the potential to benefit patients. These technologies have included advancing tissue mass spectrometry for rapid subtyping of pediatric brain cancers (N. Agar, Harvard); use of a microfluidic apparatus for intra-tumoral drug testing (M. Cima and R. Langer, MIT); application of microbubble-enhanced focused ultrasound in combination with RNA-nanoparticles for delivery to brain tumors (C. Arvinitis, Georgia Tech); cell-free tumor DNA sequencing (B. Izar, Columbia); development of a 3D bioprinted Glioblastoma-on-Chip ex vivo system to assess drug toxicity and effiacy for glioblastoma (R. Barille, Univ. Cincinnati); and collaborating on the chemoID platform (P.P. Claudio, Univ Mississippi).
Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Cancer, Cancer Biology, Cell Biology, Cell Signaling, Clinical Trials, Drug Delivery, Drug Discovery, Genomics, Health Equity, Imaging, Immunology, Molecular Biology, Quality of Life, Translational Medicine |