LOCUS pOME0040CO 566 bp DNA linear UNA 23-Oct-2013 DEFINITION Human codon optimized SARS ORF 3b nt 25689-26153 tagged; vector pDEST47 SOURCE SARS ORGANISM SARS SARS ORF 3b tagged; UNC160-2; Synthetic Construct. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 887) AUTHORS Baric,R.S., Corcoran,K., Damania,B., Dittmer,D.P., Graham,R.L., Halfmann,P., Heise,M.T., Kawaoka,Y., Long,K.M., Moorman,N.J., Neumann,G., Sherrod,C.J., and Texier,J.R. TITLE Unpublished COMMENT Plasmid synthesized by BioBasic Sequence verified via Sanger sequencing through Genewiz pOME= plasmid of Orfeome project "CO" in name= human codon optimized FEATURES Location/Qualifiers Site join(1..6,1^2) /site_type="restriction site" /note="Name: SalI" /note="Pattern: gtcgac" /note="cut_0_on_positive_strand: 1^2" /note="cut_0_on_negative_strand: 5^6" /note="inhibited_by: 5': N6-methyladenosine" /note="star_activity: yes" /note="site_type: other" /note="restriction site" /label=SalI Site 1..12 /site_type="mutagenized site" /label="5' RE tag" Site join(7..12,11^12) /site_type="restriction site" /note="Name: KpnI" /note="Pattern: ggtacc" /note="cut_0_on_positive_strand: 11^12" /note="cut_0_on_negative_strand: 7^8" /note="inhibited_by: 5': N6-methyladenosine" /note="site_type: other" /note="restriction site" /label=KpnI Site 13..18 /site_type="mutagenized site" /label="Kozak sequence" CDS 19..549 /cds_type=ORF /note="Length: 531" /note="Found at strand: positive" /note="Start codon: ATG" Site 481..546 /site_type="mutagenized site" /label="3X FLAG tag" Site 547..552 /site_type="mutagenized site" /label="double stop" Site join(553..558,553^554) /site_type="restriction site" /note="Name: XhoI" /note="Pattern: ctcgag" /note="cut_0_on_positive_strand: 553^554" /note="cut_0_on_negative_strand: 557^558" /note="inhibited_by: 5': N6-methyladenosine" /note="site_type: other" /note="restriction site" /label=XhoI Site 553..566 /site_type="mutagenized site" /label="3' RE tag" Site join(559..566,560^561) /site_type="restriction site" /note="Name: NotI" /note="Pattern: gcggccgc" /note="cut_0_on_positive_strand: 560^561" /note="cut_0_on_negative_strand: 564^565" /note="inhibited_by: 5': N4-methylcytosine" /note="site_type: other" /note="restriction site" /label=NotI ORIGIN 1 gtcgacggta ccgccaccAT GATGCCTACC ACCCTTTTCG CTGGCACACA TATCACTATG 61 ACCACCGTGT ACCATATCAC AGTGTCCCAG ATCCAGCTCT CCCTTTTGAA GGTGACCGCA 121 TTCCAGCACC AAAACAGCAA GAAGACCACT AAGCTCGTGG TCATCCTGAG AATTGGGACC 181 CAGGTGTTGA AGACCATGAG CTTGTACATG GCCATTAGCC CCAAGTTCAC AACTAGCCTG 241 TCCCTGCACA AGCTGCTCCA GACATTGGTC CTGAAGATGC TGCACTCTTC ATCCCTGACA 301 TCTCTGCTGA AGACACACAG GATGTGCAAG TATACACAGT CCACAGCCCT CCAGGAGCTT 361 CTGATTCAGC AGTGGATTCA GTTTATGATG AGCAGGCGGA GGCTCCTCGC CTGCCTGTGC 421 AAACACAAAA AGGTGAGCAC TAATCTGTGT ACTCACAGTT TTCGGAAGAA ACAGGTCCGC 481 gactacaaag accatgacgg tgattataaa gatcatgata tcgattacaa ggatgacgat 541 gacaagtagt aactcgaggc ggccgc //