LOCUS pOME0231 455 bp DNA linear UNA 11-Dec-2014 DEFINITION Mal/NY NP Hypo #1 TAGGED; vector pDEST47 COMMENT Plasmid synthesized by BioBasic Sequence verified via Sanger sequencing through Genewiz pOME= plasmid of the Orfeome project Mal/NY= Influenza type A/Mallard/NY/6750/78 H2N2 NP= nuclear protein Hypo= hypothetical FEATURES Location/Qualifiers Site join(1..6,1^2) /site_type="restriction site" /note="Name: SalI" /note="Pattern: gtcgac" /note="cut_0_on_positive_strand: 1^2" /note="cut_0_on_negative_strand: 5^6" /note="inhibited_by: 5': N6-methyladenosine" /note="star_activity: yes" /note="site_type: other" /note="restriction site" /label=SalI Site 1..12 /site_type="mutagenized site" /label="5' RE tag" Site join(7..12,11^12) /site_type="restriction site" /note="Name: KpnI" /note="Pattern: ggtacc" /note="cut_0_on_positive_strand: 11^12" /note="cut_0_on_negative_strand: 7^8" /note="inhibited_by: 5': N6-methyladenosine" /note="site_type: other" /note="restriction site" /label=KpnI Site 13..18 /site_type="mutagenized site" /label="Kozak sequence" CDS 19..441 /cds_type=ORF /note="Length: 354" /note="Found at strand: positive" /note="Start codon: ATG" Site 370..435 /site_type="mutagenized site" /label="3x FLAG tag" Site 436..441 /site_type="mutagenized site" /label="double stop" Site join(442..447,442^443) /site_type="restriction site" /note="Name: XhoI" /note="Pattern: ctcgag" /note="cut_0_on_positive_strand: 442^443" /note="cut_0_on_negative_strand: 446^447" /note="inhibited_by: 5': N6-methyladenosine" /note="site_type: other" /note="restriction site" /label=XhoI Site 442..455 /site_type="mutagenized site" /label="3' RE tag" Site join(448..455,449^450) /site_type="restriction site" /note="Name: NotI" /note="Pattern: gcggccgc" /note="cut_0_on_positive_strand: 449^450" /note="cut_0_on_negative_strand: 453^454" /note="inhibited_by: 5': N4-methylcytosine" /note="site_type: other" /note="restriction site" /label=NotI ORIGIN 1 gtcgacggta ccgccaccAT GTCAAAGGAA GGCACGATCG GGTTCGTCGC CTTTTCGTCC 61 GAGAGCTCGA AGACTCCCCG CCCCTGGAAA GACACATCTT CAGGTCTGGC ATTTTCCATC 121 ATCCTTATGA TTTCAGTTCT CATGTCTGAA GTTCTGCCTT CAGTGTTTCC TGTAAATGCT 181 GCCATAATGG TTGCTCTCTC GAATGGGAGG TTTCTCTGCA CAGAGAATGT GGGCTGTACG 241 CTGATTTGTC CTGCAGATGC TCTCTGCTGG TTGGTGTTCC CTCCGCTTCT GGTTCTTATA 301 GCCCAGTATC TGCTTCTCAA TTCAAGAGTA CTGGAGTCCA TTGTCTCCAT GTTCTCATTT 361 GAAGCAATCg actacaaaga ccatgacggt gattataaag atcatgatat cgattacaag 421 gatgacgatg acaagtagta actcgaggcg gccgc //