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Emeritus Professor of Orthopaedics

Medical Degree

Temple University Medical School


Orthopaedic Surgery, Albert Einstein Medical Center


Foot and Ankle Fellowship, Pennsylvania foot and Ankle Surgeons

AO Trauma Fellowship, Switzerland

Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Vice Chair of Inpatient Operations, Department of Orthopaedics
Medical Director, UNC Hospital Orthopaedic Service Line
  • Musculoskeletal trauma
  • Post-traumatic reconstruction
  • Nonunions, malunions
  • Foot & ankle surgery

UNC Orthopaedics (Ambulatory Care Center)
102 Mason Farm Road
Second Floor
Chapel Hill, NC 27514

  • Musculoskeletal trauma
  • Post-traumatic reconstruction
  • Nonunions, malunions
  • Foot & ankle surgery

(see entire list available at PubMed)

Tejwani NC, Ostrum R, Wolinsky PR, Adenikinju A, Radley JM, Copp JA, Kain MS, Tornetta. Do all fractures need surgery? P 3rd.Instr Course Lect. 2022;71:285-301.PMID: 35254789 

 Patterson JT, Ishii K, Tornetta P 3rd, Leighton RK, Friess J Orthop Trauma. Oct 1;35(10):517-522. doi: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000002068.PMID: 34510125 WT, Ostrum RF, Reid JS, Ruder JA, Saleh A, Schmidt AH, Teague DC, Tsismenakis A, Westberg JR, Morshed S. Smith-Petersen. 2021. Versus Watson-Jones approach does not affect quality of open reduction of femoral neck fracture. J Orthop Trauma. Oct 1;35(10):517-522. doi: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000002068.PMID: 34510125 

 Keil LG, Mullis BH, Tornetta P III, Alley MC, Olszewski NP, Wheeler JA, von Kaeppler EP, Morshed S, Matar RN, Archdeacon MT, Smith TW, Miller AN, Horwitz DS, Baig MS, Telgheder ZL, Azer E, Manzano GW, Vallier HA, Barnett SA, Krause PC, Bornes TD, Ricci WM, Dunne PJ, Yarboro SR, Ment AJ, Marcantonio AJ, Alqudhaya RS, Leighton RK, Ostrum RF. 2021. Proximal tibia fracture dislocations: management and outcomes of a severe and under-recognized injury. Injury. Sep 23:S0020-1383(21)00809-3. Online ahead of print. doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2021.09.035 

 Keil LG, Flannigan SA, Ostrum RF, Hahn JC. 2021.  Administration of venous thromboembolism chemoprophylaxis within 12 hours of pelvic and acetabular surgery has no effect on estimated blood loss, perioperative change in hemoglobin, or need for transfusion. J Orthop Trauma. Aug 27. doi: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000002255. Online ahead of print. PMID: 34483319 

 Ostrum, RF, Jeray KJ. 2021.Introduction. J Orthop Trauma. Aug 1;35(Suppl 2):Si. doi: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000002153.PMID: 34227585 

 Hill BW, Cannada LK, Nelson L, Tornetta P, Hymes R, Jones CB, Obremskey W, Carroll E, Mullis B, Tucker M, Teague D, Marcantonio A, Ostrum R, Core MD, Israel H. 2021.  Is there a critical radiographic angle that portends poor functional outcome scores in nonoperative treatment of isolated humeral shaft fractures? J Surg Orthop Adv.  Summer;30(2):73-77. PMID: 34181520 

 Cannada LK, Nelson L, Tornetta P, Hymes R, Jones CB, Obremskey W, Carroll E, Mullis B, Tucker M, Teague D, Marcantonio A, Ostrum R, Core MD, Israel H. 2021. Operative vs. nonoperative treatment of isolated humeral shaft features: a prospective cohort study.  J Surg Orthop Adv.  Summer;30(2):67-72.PMID: 34181519 

 Egol KA, Ostrum RF, Jeray KJ. 2020  Introduction. J Orthop Trauma. Aug;34 Suppl 2:S1. doi: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000001815.PMID: 32639333  

 Patterson JT, Ishii K, Tornetta P 3rd, Leighton RK, Freiss DM, Jones CB, Levine A, Maclean JJ, Miclau T 3rd, Mullis BH, Obremskey WT, Ostrum RF, Reid JS, Ruder JA, Saleh A, Schmidt AH, Teague DC, Tsismenakis A, Westberg JR, Morshed S. 2020. Open reduction is associated with greater hazard of early reoperation after internal fixation of displaced femoral neck fractures in adults 18-65 years. J Orthop Trauma.  Jun;34(6):294-301. doi: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000001711.PMID: 32079891 

 Clement RC, Strassle PD, Ostrum RF. 2020. Does very high surgeon or hospital volume improve outcomes for hemiarthoplasty following femoral neck fractures? J Arthroplasty. May;35 (5):1268-1274. doi: 10.1016/j.arth.2019.11.044. PMID: 31918987  

 Clement RC, Strassle PD, Ostrum RF. 2020.  Do hospital or surgeon volume affect outcomes after surgical management of tibial shaft fractures? J Orthop Trauma. May;34 (5): 263-270 . doi: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000001680.  PMID: 31688437 

 Dineen HA, Stone J, Ostrum RF. 2019. Closed reduction percutaneous pinning of a pediatric supracondylar distal humerus fracture. J Orthop Trauma. 33 Suppl 1:S7-S8. doi: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000001523.       PMID: 31290818  

 Egol KA, Ostrum RF, Ricci WM. 2019. Introduction. J Orthop Trauma. 33 Suppl 1:i. doi: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000001531. No abstract available.  

PMID: 31290814 

 Pettett BJ, Eskildsen SM, Huang KX, Ostrum RF. 2019. Despite the safety of preoperative cefazolin for patients with non-anaphylactic penicillin allergy 20% of practitioners, avoid its use. Orthopedics. doi: 10.3928/01477447-20190604-03. PMID 31185125  

 Cairns MA, Moskal PT, Eskildsen SM, Ostrum RF. Clement RC. 2018. Are medicare’s “comprehensive care for joint replacement” bundled payments stratifying risk adequately?. J Arthroplasty. pii: S0883-5403(18)30355-3. doi: 10.1016/j.arth.2018.04.006. PMID: 29807786. 

 Lindsay C, Hasty E, Carpenter D, Weinhold P, Ostrum RF. 2018. Proximal humeral locking plates: a cadaveric Study of 5 versus 7 metaphyseal locking screws. Orthopedics. 1;41(5):306-311. doi: 10.3928/01477447-20180828-04 

 Varkey D, Ostrum RF. 2018. ORIF with submuscular plating of an intercondylar/supracondylar distal femur fracture. J Orthop Trauma. 34 Suppl 1:S28-S29. doi: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000001218.  

 Egol KA, Ostrum RF, Ricci WM. 2018. Introduction. J Orthop Trauma. 32 Suppl 1:S1. Doi: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000001204. 

 Clement RC, Strassle PD, Ostrum RF. 2018. Should all orthopaedists perform hemiarthroplasty for femoral neck fractures? A volume-outcome analysis. J Orthop Trauma. 32(7):354-360. doi: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000001176. PMID: 29664883 

 Haddix, KP, Clement RC 3rd, Tennant JN, Ostrum RF. 2017. Complications following operatively treated ankle fractures in insulin- and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Foot Ankle Spec. 11(3):206-216. doi: 10.1177/1938640017714867. PMID: 28617050 

 Cairns MA, Hasty EK, Herzog MM, Ostrum RF, Kerr ZY. 2018. Incidence, severity, and time loss associated with collegiate football fractures, 2004-2005 to 2013-2014. Am J Sports Med. 46(4):987-994. doi: 10.1177/0363546517749914.  PMID: 29377710 

 Cairns MA, Ostrum RF, Clement RC. 2018. Refining risk adjustment for the proposed CMS surgical hip and femur fracture treatment bundled payment      

program. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 100(4):269-277.  doi: 10.2106/JBJS.17.00327. PMID: 29462030 

 Pettett BJ, Avery MC, Ostrum RF. 2017. Retrograde femoral nailing using percutaneous reduction techniques. J Orthop Trauma. Suppl 3:S6-S7. PMID 28697070 

 Egol KA, Ostrum RF, Ricci WM. 2017. Introduction. J Orthop Trauma. Suppl 3:S1. PMID 28697067 

 Clement RC, Lang PJ, Pettett BJ, Overman RA, Ostrum RF, Tennant JN. 2017. Sanders II/III calcaneus fractures in laborers: a cost-effectiveness analysis and call for effectiveness research. J Orthop Trauma. doi: 10.1097/BOT.000000000000813. PMID: 28166172 

  • Elected by his peers for inclusion in Best Doctors in America as selected by Woodward and White from 1998 – present
  • Best Ortho Traumatologist in North America, 2015
  • Frank Wilson Faculty Teaching Award, 2014
  • The States’ Best Doctors, 2012
  • Selected “Top Doctors” in Philadelphia Magazine, 2011
  • Selected “Top Doctors” in New Jersey Monthly 2009, 2010, 2011
  • Selected “Top Doctors” in South Jersey Magazine 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011
  • Highlighted paper selected by the program committee at the 2010 OTA Annual Meeting. “Is Septicemia a contraindication to internal fixation in the multiply traumatized patient?,” October 2010
  • The #13 most cited first author in, “ Leading 20 at 20: Top Cited Articles and Authors in the Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma, 1987-2007” J Orthop Trauma (24):53-58, 2010
  • Selected “Top Docs for Kids” in SJ Magazine, 2008, 2009, 2010
  • Edward J. Ill, M.D. Award for Excellence in Medicine, 2008
  • Selected “Top Doctors” in SJ Magazine, 2008
  • “Excellence in Teaching Award,” UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, 2007
  • “Orthopaedic Surgery Attending of the Year,” as selected by residents at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, 2006
  • Selected “Top Doctors in Columbus” in Columbus Monthly Magazine, September 1998
  • “Retrograde Intramedullary Nailing of Femoral Diaphyseal Fractures,” Ostrum R, DiCicco J, Lakatos R, Poka A. Presented at the 13th Annual Orthopaedic Trauma Association Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky, and selected as one of the ten best papers for presentation at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Specialty Day
  • Edwin G. Bovill Award for Best Paper, “ A Prospective Comparison of Antegrade and Retrograde Femoral Intramedullary Nailing.” Presented at the 14th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Trauma Association (Vancouver, BC), 1998

Phone: (984) 974-5700
Referral Fax: (919) 966-7956

Provider Office:
Phone: (919) 843-3380
Fax: (919) 843-3380

Image of Robert Ostrum
  • Address
