Research Interests
Craig Fletcher advises the Vice Chancellor for Research on strategic planning for research involving animals and participates in the design of new research and administrative initiatives and strategies. Fletcher also serves as director of the Division of Comparative Medicine, serving as university attending veterinarian, manages the university program for laboratory animal care and housing, serves as a member of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, and participates in educational and research program activities.
Fletcher research focuses on veterinary pathology, animal models of disease, immunology, and vascular biology. Scholarly efforts are based on collaborative, multi-disciplinary teams utilizing animal models of human disease to investigate basic mechanisms as well as pre-clinical models of therapeutic interventions. He interacts extensively with the unique animal resources at UNC including the Collaborative Cross, the National Gnotobiotic Rodent Resource, and the Mutant Mouse Regional Resource Centers (MMRRC). Clinical interests include laboratory, exotic, and companion animal medicine, the regulations and policies governing the humane care and use of animals used in research and education, and in providing veterinary consultation to principal investigators in development of grant application utilizing vertebrate animals.
List of publications from PubMed