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Grand Rounds: Dr. Steve Pantilat “Improving the Quality of Caring: Registries, QI and Palliative Care”
May 25, 2022 @ 8:00 am - 9:00 am
Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at 8:00 am VIA ZOOM
(Please use the Zoom Invitation below)
Hosted by the UNC Comprehensive Cancer Support Program (CCSP) and the UNC Palliative Care Program
Steven Z. Pantilat, MD, MHM, FAAHPM
“Improving the Quality of Caring: Registries, QI and Palliative Care”
Steven Pantilat, MD is the Kates-Burnard and Hellman Distinguished Professor in Palliative Care and the inaugural Chief of the Division of Palliative Medicine at UCSF. Dr. Pantilat is an internationally recognized expert in Palliative Care. Dr. Pantilat has published over 130 peer-reviewed scientific papers, authored more than two dozen book chapters, and co-edited with colleagues at UCSF two textbooks on palliative care titled, “Care at the Close of Life” and “Hospital Based Palliative Medicine.”
Dr. Pantilat is the Board Chair for the Palliative Care Quality Collaborative, the nation’s leading organization dedicated to improving the quality of care for seriously ill people and their families. He chairs the Advisory Board for the Cambia Health Foundation’s Sojourns Scholar Leadership Program and co-directs the UCSF Palliative Care Leadership Center. Dr. Pantilat has consulted with over 250 hospitals and healthcare institutions to help them launch, grow, and improve their palliative care services. He is the author of, “Life After the Diagnosis: Expert Advice on Living Well with Serious Illness for Patients and their Caregivers” published by DaCapo Lifelong Books in 2017. Dr. Pantilat and the palliative care team at UCSF are featured in the Academy Award-nominated, Netflix documentary, “End Game” and in 2018 he gave a TEDMED talk. In 2007 Dr. Pantilat was a Fulbright Senior Scholar at the University of Sydney, Curtin University and the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney, Australia. Dr. Pantilat’s leadership in improving the lives of people with serious illness has been recognized with a James Irvine Foundation Leadership Award and the Ritz E. Heerman Award from the California Hospital Association. He is also recognized for his work to integrate palliative care into hospital medicine and as a pioneer that field by being named a Master of Hospital Medicine by the Society of Hospital Medicine, the society’s highest honor
You must complete the following steps within 48 hours
of the day that grand rounds take place,
~otherwise the code will expire!~
- Please visit med.unc.edu/cpd :
- Login
- Select “Activity Check In”
- Enter Activity Code 106885 (*This code will change weekly!*)
- Submit
The School of Medicine of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
Continuing Medical Education Statement
The School of Medicine of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill designates this live activity for a maximum of 8.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Other health professionals will receive a certificate of attendance from an AMA PRA Category 1™ activity. These certificates are accepted by the NC Boards for physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, and respiratory therapists. Other health care providers may also be able to use these certificates, depending on their particular license requirements. (License requirements are subject to change. Participants should check with their licensing boards for specific questions. UNC and its partners are not responsible for changes in license requirements.)
Disclosure statement: This activity has been planned and implemented under the sole supervision of the course director and planning committee, in association with the UNC Office of Continuing Professional Development (UNC CPD). The course director, planning committee, presenters, and CPD staff have no relevant financial relationships with commercial interests as defined by the ACCME.
Dear CCSP/Palliative Care Conference Participants,
We have updated the invitation for the Wednesday morning CCSP/Palliative Care Conference to a Zoom Webinar with registration. This will allow us to communicate attendance with the School of Medicine for those wishing to receive CME credit. Please join the morning conference at the following link:
When: 5/25/22 08:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: UNC Comprehensive Cancer Support Program and Palliative Care Grand Rounds
Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
For information on how to attend a Zoom Webinar, please see: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/115004954946-Joining-a-Webinar-Attendee-
The School of Medicine of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The School of Medicine of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill designates this live activity for a maximum of 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only those hours of credit actually spent in the educational activity.
To receive credit for this activity, you must have a CME profile with UNC CPD. To check if you have a CME profile, go to www.med.unc.edu/cpd and click on the transcript link, then attempt to log in. If you do not have a CME profile, or you cannot access it, please contact Doug Hudson at douglas_hudson@med.unc.edu. You will not receive credit without a CME profile.
Disclosures: This activity is planned and implemented under the sole supervision of Paul Zimmerman, MD, in association with the Office of Continuing Professional Development (UNC CPD). The course director and CPD staff have no financial relationships with commercial interests as defined by the ACCME.
The speaker has no relevant financial relationships with commercial interests as defined by the ACCME.
It is recommended that you download the Zoom application (Zoom Client for Meetings). It is available at: https://zoom.us/download. Please note that a Zoom account is not required to join this meeting.
If you have support questions, please call 919-445-1000. More details regarding Zoom may be found at: http://secure-web.cisco.com/1Kr6uz2rtyeFi36yuv_cxRpAGpQR_F3CqHCr1kZ7RrkwQZuctWV5-g4iNz5Z0ITSIpFpCQk_IhSjDibNDKgkevC9VJX96EaHi1YV2lyqjlFC6oxdszqrYK1S9bvM91AwXPas9UFz4IXGdy3IuAxP7rwq3F_v9Q9wjelY47ZrhcG6CXPiIvdqXtfYHfgw6KtgivG2UCaCVshv9hFQgRcaylGZU2utA2qa3tcPp4Y2tTRmiDWhE8FRQFxc-uHeVFnEeKPzAJmtXLj4VTVpOeq2_9JdRhdOAK6a4vwJsBaOiWKVZJD3aMgloOc2NuPS80ieepzkg3igRuZiaR0mDf2LZueHCjfpSk9dioq0-sjtiLndDcG3L2aUN8Dt1UjfZy6CT/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.unccn.org%2Fzoom .
If you would like to schedule a training, have a question, or would like to share feedback, please contact the UNC Cancer Network at unccn@unc.edu .
Thank you!