Course Expectations
Student expectations:
- Provide excellent patient care. This is your primary goal on this rotation.
- Know your own goals and objectives for this course prior to starting and discuss them with you attending on day 1.
- Write daily notes on your patients. Your resident on pediatrics should be the one to supervise these notes. Starting March 2018, your notes can be used by housestaff and attendings. After verifying your notes, they will be able to co-sign. This means you should aim to have high-quality notes!
- Write all orders on your patient in EPIC (to be co-signed).
- Update your patient’s information in the rounds report/sticky notes/treatment plan.
- Attend sign-out to hear overnight events. 7am on Internal Medicine, 6am on Peds.
- Pre-round on your patients electronically and in person and be ready to present your patients at 8:30. This may mean getting to the hospital before 7AM.
- Attend all resident conferences. This usually means 7:45 morning report and noon conferences. Find schedule link on first day information page.
- Carry 3-5 patients.
- Ask for and receive feedback.
- On pediatrics, if your upper level is gone, the attending should sign your notes unless the attending specifically requests intern assistance. It is wise to remind the attending of this fact. If patient management questions arise, there is always a senior resident assigned to cover the team.
- On pediatrics you will carry a pager – give your pager number to the nurses each day so they can reach you.
- On medicine, faculty will text your cell phone, so a pager is not required.
- Being able to work autonomously is very important, particularly on medicine. Hospitalists are too busy to direct you. Anticipate what needs to be done and do it.
- Work hour expectations: On pediatrics you should not stay until sign-out every day, however on days when one of the ward interns is not there in the afternoon it is helpful for the acting intern to stay through sign-out. If your work is done for the day and you are not scheduled to stay long, it is okay to sign-out your patients to the long intern for the day. Remember, if you are taking this course as an acting intern the only way to receive responsibility and truly have autonomy is to be present when decisions are made regarding your patient. That sometimes requires being present for both morning sign-out and through the afternoon, as well.
- On medicine expect to pre-round before conference, round with the attending after conference, and leave approximately at 5 or 6pm.
- Students will average at least 1 day off per week; this can be arranged with your attending for the week. If you need a weekend off, that is fine, just work both days of another.
Faculty expectations:
- Ask the student to state his or her goals with you on day 1.
- State your expectations of the student clearly on day 1. Encourage autonomy.
- Treat student as an acting intern. Interns do not need to follow their patients.
- Encourage and co-sign orders in EPIC (in the “unverified” tab in EPIC).
- Read (and use) daily progress notes from students. As of March 2018, student notes do NOT need to be duplicated and, once verified, can be co-signed for billing and documentation.
- Support conference attendance (particularly medicine morning report).
- Teach as much as possible. Refer them to the optional curriculum on the course website.
- As work load allows, student may help with second shift admissions.
- Provide frequent feedback on notes, orders, professionalism and patient care. Consider the RIME format.
- At the end of your time with the student, write brief email (3-4 sentences) to course director with summary comments of student’s performance and a suggested grade.
- If a student is 3rd yr level = Pass, 4th yr level = High Pass, Intern = Honors.
- On Pediatrics, if the upper level is gone, attendings will use the medical student note as a base for writing the required daily progress note on the patient. If too busy, you may consider asking one of the interns to help with the progress note responsibility.