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Most of time spent in clinic, consults, bronchoscopy, educational conferences

Residents/Students are asked to tailor their elective to their wishes and needs based on career plans. For example, primary care-bound residents should spend more time in clinic, those planning PICU fellowship should focus on consults (Especially in PICU) and bronchoscopy.

Raleigh Pulmonary Clinic is recommended to all residents/students and takes place on most Tuesdays and Thursdays. Schedule there varies so much of it must be arranged with faculty leader. A fellow or attending can provide transportation to students who need it in order to attend the Raleigh clinic.

Faculty leader can assist with arrangement of additional experiences (observing sweat chloride testing, cardiopulmonary exercise challenge, infant pulmonary function testing, ENT clinic and OR for airway cases, etc.)

If rotation is overscheduled with learners, faculty leader will draft schedule for the month with input from learners and then allow residents and students to make trades depending on level of interest and any changes in their availability that may arise (interviews, back-up, etc.).