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Looking Ahead.

With the Muenzer MPS Research and Treatment Center, we have an opportunity to provide an even brighter tomorrow for our children with MPS. Through the creation of a comprehensive MPS research and treatment program, we will honor Dr. Muenzer’s legacy by not only maintaining, but also expanding upon the life-changing base of knowledge, expertise, and services he has built over the last three decades.

With your support, we will continue to provide exceptional care for MPS patients here in North Carolina, across the country, and around the world. We will continue to educate the next generation of physicians and caregivers on the latest developments in MPS research and treatment. We will continue to advocate for newborn screening, new treatments, and enhanced management for MPS patients. And we will build a comprehensive and state-of-the-art clinic that will serve these patients here in Chapel Hill. Together, we will expand our program to establish a world-class MPS Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, building upon a wealth of existing knowledge and experience in clinical care, research, and education related to MPS.

Where to Donate

Donations can be made directly to the Muenzer MPS Research and Treatment Center through the UNC Health Foundation. If you encounter difficulties making your gift, please contact Gift Services at or (919) 537-3818.

For more information about donating to the MPS Center, please contact:

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Image of Dr. Muenzer walking with a child and mother.

Keela Lyon, Senior Executive Director of Development, UNC Health Foundation •

T. 919-928-6435