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$10 Million Gift to Establish Center to Research MPS Genetic Disorders

The School of Medicine’s pediatrics department will use a $10 million gift to establish a center to identify new ways to treat mucopolysaccharidoses, or MPS, a group of rare genetic disorders.

The gift, from Vaughn and Nancy Bryson, who in 1960 both graduated from UNC’s School of Pharmacy, will create the Dr. Joseph Muenzer MPS Research & Treatment Center, which will identify strategies for comprehensive care for people suffering from MPS. The Brysons made a $2.5 million commitment to the University in 2021 and later increased it to $10 million.

The MPS Research & Treatment Center will honor Muenzer, one of the world’s foremost experts in congenital metabolic disorders and the Bryson Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics. Muenzer’s research includes progressive brain disease in children with MPS II, also known as Hunter Syndrome, a genetic disorder that affects mental development and numerous organs and can lead to death.  Read more.