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Pharmacology (PHCO) and Genetics (GNET) teams had a lot of fun battling it out for the trophy for the very first Battle of the Science Stars on June 13.  Genetics battled hard, but in the end, PHCO won the event. The games were fun, the food was good and everyone had a good time! Thanks again to all who came out!

The Teams


Bocce Ball Captain: Henrik Dohlman
Faculty: Juan Song, Melissa Herman, Lee Graves, Jonathan Schisler,
Students: Jordan Dean, Joe Niemchak, Lucas Aponte-Collazo, Marssia Bivins

Team Pharmacology (PHCO)

Team – Genetics/GMB (Genetics and Molecular Biology Program)/BCB (Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Program)

Captain: Fernando Pardo Manuel de Villena
Faculty: Bob Duronio (Genetics and GMB). Katie Hoadley (Genetics, GMB, and BCB), Folami Ideraabdullah (Genetics and GMB), Daniel Pomp (Genetics and GMB), Jeff Sekelsky (Genetics and GMB)
Students: Michelle Hoffner (GMB), Rashmi Kumar (GMB), Brandon Le (BCB), Jamshaid Shahir (BCB), Nur Shahir (BCB)

Team Genetics (GNET)

The Games

The student services manager (or a volunteer replacement) would be SLIMED! for losing either the Bocce ball game or combined total of all the other games.

  • Bocce Ball Roll Off (GNET Chair Team Won)
  • Puzzled by Science – be the first team to put together a cut up science poster and hold the pieces in the air in order to win!
  • 60 Second Poster Session – draw a picture depicting a movie title related to science in 60 sec and have your team mates guess it correctly to win!
  • Say what Science Sentence Version – put a mouthpiece in your mouth and say a scientific sentence (they’re long!) and have your team mates repeat it back correctly to win!
  • Hearing Things-Fight Songs Version in honor of our battle – sing those songs!
  • (PI) Periodic Table Elimination -get asked a periodic table question, and if you can’t get it right, give yourself a pie in the face!
  • Science Experiment – build the tallest whipped cream monument on your partners head for the win!


Here’s some pics plus there are a whole lot more on our PHCO Facebook!


John about to get slimed.


Joe Niemchak and John Cornett got SLIMED! Joe b/c GNET won the Bocce Ball Roll and John b/c PHCO won the combined total of the rest of the games by a hair (one covered with whipped cream no doubt)!  Two brave guys!

Thanks to all who participated and organized the event!

We’d like to give a big THANK YOU to Nicole Arnold, Sarah Muller, and John Cornett for creating the games! And another big THANK YOU to all who helped set up and break down, and to the GNET and PHCO team participants! A big thanks to Sarah Muller and Adrienne Cox for taking such great pics! And to John Cornett and Joe Niemchak for being such good sports! THANK YOU ALL!

GNET and PHCO teams together