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Ken McCarthy and Angelique Whitehurst at her goodbye luncheon

The department said farewell to Angelique Whitehurst and her Lab with a luncheon August 1, 2013. Angelique and her entire lab are moving to UT Southwestern to pursue their research careers there.

Angelique joined the Pharmacology department in 2009. Her research has been in the areas of cancer pharmacology, genome-wide siRNA screens, and the identification of genes involved in survival, proliferation, and chemosensitivity of tumor cells. In addition to her research, Angelique has taught Pharmacology graduate courses as well as lecturing for the Dental School pharmacology course.

Members of the Whitehurst lab who will be moving to UT Southwestern along with Angelique are: Becky Sinnott, Josh Wooten, Kim Maxfield and Patrick Taus.

We are sad to see them go and they will be greatly missed. We wish them all the best in their future research endeavors.

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