Congratulations to Jonathan Schisler, PhD, on being named Most Praised Mentor at UNC Pharmacology and UNC McAllister Heart Institute by the Office of Graduate Education at UNC SOM!
Most Praise
Dr. Schisler received 24 nominations from students, staff, and faculty celebrating him as an advocate, coach, role model, connector, identity champion, and technique leader.
“Dr. Schisler has helped me through a difficult time within the lab by explaining my options and allowing me to express my needs. He is such a kind person who can get along with anyone and find common ground.”
“He is a PI who isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty. In fact, on days when I had dissections running late into the evening, he would roll his sleeves up, sit down, and help me process the tissues so that I could go home earlier. He’s a busy guy, but he’s never too busy to lend a hand.”
“Dr. Schisler was the first one willing to take a chance on me, and his level of confidence in me encourages me to have faith in myself (if someone who is as intelligent and cool as he is trusts me with all that fancy science equipment, I figured I must not be as dumb as I thought).”
“Jonathan also fosters an environment of impressive peer-to-peer mentoring, which provides his more advanced students with training in mentorship and their own experience mentoring others that they can use to ‘pay it forward’ as their careers advance.”
For more information about the shout-outs visit OGE website: They’re also posting them to Twitter and Instagram.