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Congatulations to all the recipients of Pharmacology Annual Awards of 2020! We applaud you and are proud of your accomplishments and service!


Our annual award ceremony and holiday celebration was held virtually via zoom this year. There were a lot of great nominations for all of the awards and it was hard to choose between them.  We appreciate all of the many contributions made by everyone in our PHCO family this year! Thank you, all!

Here are the Pharmacology award winners for 2020 along with a short description of each award:

Staff Excellence Awards

Staff Excellence Awards recognize individuals whose performance goes above and beyond his/her regular duties to make our Community the special place it is, and who have demonstrated excellence in the following areas: creativity, innovation, enthusiasm, flexibility, leadership, positive attitude, productivity, and teamwork.

  • Linda Parsons, Accounting Technician and Grants Manager
  • April Villanueva, Executive Assistant to the Chair
  • Natalie Barker, Research Associate in the Proteomics Core

Scholar Awards

Our Pharmacology Scholar Awards recognize meritorious contributions by PhD and MD/PhD Students as well as Postdocs for the betterment of our department, emphasizing research accomplishments as well as efforts in outreach, leadership, and event participation. Some examples of this are tutoring, mentoring, and volunteering at events to help promote the Department.

Student Scholar Awards

  • Danielle Chappell, Graduate student in the Damania Lab
  • Chitra Saran, Graduate Student in the Brouwer Lab

Postdoc Scholar Award

  • Yadong Li, Postdoc in the Song Lab

Service and Outreach Awards

So many in our community are working inside and outside our PHCO walls to advocate for science, our department and to help others and we couldn’t be more proud of the difference they are making.

  • Juanita Limas, Graduate student in the Cook Lab
  • Liza Wick (Kulko). Graduate student in the Brown Lab

Thomas Collum Butler Award

The Thomas Collum Butler Award was created to support an outstanding advanced graduate student that is undertaking research training in areas broadly related to understanding developmental disabilities, which includes work in neurobiology, neuropharmacology or developmental biology. Award recipients receive a check for $1000 plus a stipend.

  • Natalie Hewitt Valentin, Graduate student in the Dohlman Lab

Chair’s Award

The Chair Award was created by our Chair, Henrik Dohlman, as a way to recognize the outstanding accomplishments of a person in our PHCO community.

  • Nicole Cornett, Student Services Manager

We want to congratulate all of our award winners of 2020!  We are very proud of you and grateful for your service to the department!

A special thanks to everyone who helped to put together our holiday video, most especially our video arts specialist, Rika Khadria, and our student services manager, Nicole Cornett.

We wish everyone a safe and Happy Holiday and New Year!

The words "Happy Holidays!" on a red background and a white ornament topped with greenery and the words "UNC Pharmacoloogy" on it.