Rudy Juliano wins candy jar in Halloween Contest to benefit SECC 2008 Campaign.
Pharmacology held a Halloween Candy Jar Contest during the week before Halloween as a fund raiser to benefit the State Employees Combined Campaign. The person who came closest to guessing the number of pieces of candy in the candy jar would win the jar of candy. Each guess cost $1. The winner, announced on Halloween, was Rudy Juliano, who won with a winning number of 563. The actual number of pieces in the jar was 568. Congratulations, Rudy!
Upon finding out he was the winner, Rudy happily remarked that “This is the best thing that’s happened to me since I joined the Pharmacology department! Even better than winning a grant!” Rudy then walked around the department offering candy to everyone he met before generously donating the candy jar to the Pharmacology office. Thanks, Rudy!
The contest raised $85 for the SECC campaign. Every lab and office participated, including grad students, postdocs, research staff, faculty and administrative staff. Thanks to all who participated to make this a great fund raising event for the SECC campaign!
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