Joshua Alexander, MD, director of pediatric rehabilitation at the NC Children’s Hospital and associate professor at UNC Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, cared for disabled children May 18-25, 2014, at the Zanmi Beni Orphanage in Haiti. Timothy Sanford, MD, a medical resident in PM&R, and Beth Leiro, a local pediatric physical therapist, accompanied Dr. Alexander on the trip. This year marks the second of ongoing visits to the orphanage.
Zanmi Beni was created to care for physically and/or mentally handicapped orphans, who were displaced by the devastating earthquake in January 2010.
Dr. Alexander includes fascinating details from his trips in his blog: http://uncpedsrehabhaititrip.blogspot.com/
Thanks to a Google grant to the NC Children’s Hospital, the team delivered some adaptive equipment, and tested the use of an iPad Air as a means of providing ongoing telehealth care, education, and continuing conversation with the providers at the Zanmi Beni Orphanage in Port au Prince.
The team also visited the US Embassy to learn more about US involvement with and support of the Haitian people, and toured Partners in Health’s University Hospital in Mirebelais.
You can help fund future trips to Haiti with a tax-deductible charitable donation!
Visit the N.C. Children’s Promise’s secure giving page. Select “Make a Gift,” and then select: “Children’s Promise Fund – Haiti” from the drop-down menu, and enter your gift amount.
You also may read more about the first trip in an article published by UNC Global.