The Employment Supervisor collects data on employer contacts, job starts, number and percent of people working on each employment specialist’s caseload, number and percent of people in education programs on each employment specialist’s caseload, people who maintain employment for 90 days, people who transition off the IPS team, and job terminations. This data is used to look for trends in the employment specialist’s caseload in order to set goals for improvement.
For example, employment specialist #1 had one job placement, with an average of three employer contacts a week last month. The Employment Supervisor will use the employer contact log to find ways of increasing the number of employer contacts. This might include job development training and field mentoring to improve technique and comfort in approaching employers. The Employment Supervisor will also use the data to set a goal to increase the number of job placements for the following month. Increased employer contacts will hopefully increase job placements, which in turn will lead to better employment outcomes.
The Employment Supervisor also tracks data to share with the IPS team, behavioral health team, and the executive team of the organization. Per IPS high fidelity standards, the Employment Supervisor is required to report outcomes at least quarterly.