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Bringing Whole Person Care to the State of North Carolina.

In partnership with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, the Tailored Care Management program was created for Medicaid recipients who have been identified as having needs related to a behavioral health diagnosis. The service is designed to coordinate, monitor, and support all aspects of a member’s well-being: behavioral health, medical, food, housing, transportation, community resources, and any other unmet health related resource needs.

How it works

Beneficiaries will have a single designated care manager supported by a multidisciplinary care team to provide whole-person care management that addresses all of their needs. Care managers will meet periodically (depending on acuity and need) with members and will maintain regular contact working with individuals to support health and life goals. Each member will have a yearly comprehensive assessment and care managers will also support transitions from hospitals whether it be for a medical or behavioral health event.

Tailored Care Management will:

  • Be available throughout the entire duration of a beneficiary’s enrollment.
  • Be based in provider settings to the maximum extent possible, supporting integrated care and collaboration.
  • Prioritize frequent in-person interactions between community-based care managers and beneficiaries.
  • Place additional emphasis on outcomes and population health management.

Who is eligible?

UNC CECMH patients (selected by NCDHHS) with serious mental illness who have Alliance Medicaid in Wake County and Orange County.