Clinician Educator Track
The Clinician Educator Track in the UNC Psychiatry Residency Program is an elective, specialized track of study for psychiatry residents interested in teaching and medical education. This program is designed to develop teaching abilities and prepare a resident for a career in academia.
The Track is led by Winston Li, MD, our Department’s Associate Program Director for the Residency. Senior residents, including the Chief Resident of Education, take a leadership role as well. Residents apply to the track in the spring of PGY-1, and begin the track in PGY-2. Three residents are accepted per year.
The Track includes its own dedicated curriculum, which is delivered through regular seminar meetings. The curriculum provides a broad didactic experience aimed towards developing the abilities necessary to become a successful Clinician Educator. A diverse approach, including formal lectures, journal article reviews, group discussions, practice teaching sessions with group feedback, one-to-one mentoring, and observation of master teachers, is employed.
Additionally, Track participants will be connected and encouraged to pursue teaching opportunities throughout the medical campus. To facilitate participation in these endeavors, residents will have protected clinical time for Track activities, including one day per week in the PGY-2 year.