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Ready to get involved? Please email Katrina McGinty, MD to get started or to learn more. All members of the UNC community are welcome!

Medical Students

UNC Radiology with colleagues in Malawi
We have strong medical student participation within UNC Global Radiology, including an elective for MS4s.

Global health includes issues that transcend national boundaries, like cancer, and that require worldwide, multidisciplinary cooperation — so our partnerships have a Local to Global approach. We have active health equity programs in North Carolina and with international collaborators. As part of the rich, longstanding tradition of UNC community engagement and service, our efforts align with the vision of UNC Health and promote the university’s aims within the Carolina Next strategic plan.

We have strong medical student participation within UNC Global Radiology with national conference presentations and publications featuring student-led initiatives. Within our North Carolina initiatives, we have mentored MD-MPH students to create medical imaging and public health focused interventions. If you would like to learn more, then please contact Katrina McGinty, MD.

Additional Resource: Office of Global Health Education

Radiology Residents

We offer a Global Health Leadership Pathway and other global radiology opportunities for our UNC residents.


Our nurses and radiologic technologists are essential members of our interprofessional teams; RAD-AID International has information and resources for nurse and radiologic technologist volunteers.

Finally, donations made to the Global Radiology Initiatives fund support our partnerships.