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Jian Zhang Receives 2007 AAPM Reviewer’s Choice Award

April 19, 2010
Zhang speeds up CT imaging with a paper ranked 8th of 1100 papers.

Chang awarded 3-year NCI grant

April 19, 2010
To develop carbon nanotube micro-RT technology for use in miniature CT scanners.

Chaney receives ABR Lifetime Achievement Award

April 19, 2010
Chaney invented and developed many of our current treatment planning systems

Radiation Oncology Medical Physics Residency Program accredited through 2014

April 19, 2010
Official word was received today that our Medical Physics Residency Program in Radiation Oncology has been granted CAMPEP accreditation through December 31, 2014.

Breast Cancer Support Services Award

April 19, 2010
A project to improve supportive care services for younger women with breast cancer has received a grant of more than $780,000 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Bowen wins a Plus Person Award

April 19, 2010
Enthusiasm, performance and service are an inspiration to others.

Best poster at 2009 UNC Lineberger retreat

April 19, 2010
Resident physician Steve Harris wins local prize.

Apisarnthanarax, Brady: Best poster awards at 2008 UNC Lineberger retreat

April 19, 2010
Dr. Jim Apisarnthanarax, a recent resident radiation oncologist, was awarded First Place for best clinical/translational poster at the 2008 UNC Lineberger Annual Scientific Retreat. Dr. Donita Brady, a recent doctoral recipient from Dr. Adrienne Cox’s lab, was awarded First Place for best basic science poster at the 2008 UNC Lineberger...

Adams and colleagues present at the International Congress of Radiation Therapy

April 19, 2010
Mark Kositch. Not shown: Robert Adams, Eric Schreiber. Congratulations to Dr. Robert Adams, Mark Kostich and Dr. Eric Schreiber, who presented at the International Congress of Radiation Therapy in Toronto on Saturday, June 9, 2012. Their oral presentation as part … Continued

Adams and Church win American Society of Radiologic Technologists Award

April 19, 2010
Robert Adams, Jessica Church Robert Adams, EdD, RT (R)(T), CMD; Bahjat Qaqish, MD, PhD; and Jessica Church, BS, RT (T) are the 2011 recipients of the Widger Award for the best peer-reviewed article published in an American Society of Radiologic … Continued