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The Research Radiation Core (RRC) is a new core facility with the mission to provide support on radiation usage in biomedical research field. The core currently houses five irradiators dedicated for research applications. They include three Cs-137 based irradiators, one conventional X-ray orthovoltage irradiator (X-rad-320, Precision X-ray, Inc.), and one image-guided X-ray irradiator (SmART+, Precision X-ray, Inc.). These irradiators will be used to irradiate cells, tissue specimen, and animals (including small rodents and as big as cats and rabbits). The Core has the technical expertise and research experience in applying radiation for various research applications, including cancer research, immunologic research, virologic research, and more. The goal of the core facility is to enhance the accuracy, repeatability, and safety on radiation usage in research.

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