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Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law

JHPPL Call for Paper Proposals 
Health Politics and Policy under COVID-19
The Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law (JHPPL) invites the submission of paper proposals for a special issue on health politics and policy under COVID-19. Sarah Gollust (University of Minnesota) and Julia Lynch (University of Pennsylvania) are the guest editors of this special issue.
This special issue seeks to present rigorous empirical analyses related to the politics of the COVID-19 pandemic, both in the United States and from international and comparative perspectives. We are interested in qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods approaches. We also seek a wide range of disciplinary perspectives: We are open to studies by political scientists, economists, sociologists, epidemiologists, health services researchers, communication scientists, etc., and we especially value contributions offering cross-disciplinary perspectives.
We seek proposals that provide perspectives on the following topics, but the call for papers is not limited to these subjects:
● Variation across political units in the ethical, legal, and policy responses to COVID-19 by government agencies, public health systems, health care services, and/or other actors; and in the effectiveness of these responses
● Analysis of how variation in existing policies (e.g., health, labor market, economic, foreign policies) may mitigate the consequences of the disease in different contexts
● Health care system sector impact (e.g., on primary care, finance, access to non-COVID care) and response
● Politicization of scientific evidence, health threats, and public and policy responses (e.g., compliance with social distancing, mask-wearing)
● Social construction of the epidemic, especially in relation to data quality and availability
● The policy and political consequences of the racially and socially unequal impact of COVID-19
● The impact of COVID-19 on the relationship between domestic and global health actors
We are mainly interested in analyses that leverage empirical data, rather than commentaries. Proposals should be submitted as structured abstracts with the following sections: Authors and Affiliations, Research Objectives, Motivation/Theory, Research Design, Preliminary Results (if available), and Implications. Proposals may be a maximum of 750 words, not including the section headings.
Submit paper proposals via email to Jed Cohen, JHPPL’s managing editor, at by July 15, 2020. Please put “COVID-19 special issue” in the subject line. Proposals will undergo review to assess the theoretical and empirical contribution of the paper, fit for readers of JHPPL, and coherence with other papers proposed for the special issue.
We anticipate that, for authors selected to submit papers, the deadline for manuscripts will be October 15, 2020. All papers will undergo peer review. The expected publication date for this issue is April 2021 (online) and October 2021 (print).