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Dr. Marston Nominated as Secretary of the American Venous Forum

February 26, 2018
Dr. William Marston receives nomination

Dr. Trista Reid Honored as First Craver Professor

February 8, 2018
With the support and generosity of UNC School of Medicine alum Joseph M. Craver, MD ’67, the Office of Medical Education is proud to announce the creation of the Craver Professor Award honoring outstanding teachers in Internal Medicine, Pediatrics and Surgery who both inspire and change the lives of medical...

Surgery Faculty Awarded AAS Best Overall Manuscript by an AAS Member

February 6, 2018
Congratulations to Stephanie Lumpkin, Paula Strassle, and Nicole Chaumont

Dr. Caranasos & TAVR Team Praised in Patient Video Testimonial

February 1, 2018
Dr. Caranasos & the UNC TAVR Team (John Vavalle, MD, Matthew Cavender, MD, Cassie Ramm, MSN, and Tabitha Linville, BSN) received praise in a patient video testimonial for a successful Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement procedure.

Dr. Raghid Bitar Elected to Board of American College of Surgeons

February 1, 2018
Dr. Bitar Elected to Board of American College of Surgeons

Dr. Lawrence Kim Elected to American Board of Surgery

February 1, 2018
Dr. Lawrence Kim Elected to American Board of Surgery

Dr. Jen Jen Yeh Named 2017 Oliver Smithies Investigator

January 25, 2018
The Oliver Smithies Program recognizes senior research faculty in the UNC School of Medicine who have made major contributions to research within and beyond their discipline.

Dr. Thomas Caranasos Co-Authors Article

January 22, 2018 Article on Biomedical Engineering