Family Camp
The Burn Center recognizes all members of the family experience the trauma and are survivors. When children are burned, the entire family dynamic can be affected. Family Camp brings together families of burn survivors ages 7-18 to meet these unique needs. As with other aftercare opportunities, this event offers families the chance to interact, to learn from, and to offer support to one another.
The weekend includes fun activities for all, allowing time for families to play together. There is also a special focus throughout the weekend for parents and siblings because it is not unusual for families to experience guilt and resentment during the recovery process. Being able to share these feelings, to be reassured that such feelings are normal, and to learn skills and strategies to deal with the challenges of recovery from burn injury is a valuable resource for the family unit as a whole. The Burn Center recognizes all members of the family to be survivors and offers this camp environment to meet these unique needs.
Family Camp may change location to offer a variety of experiences for the entire family. The need for volunteers is more limited. Adult burn survivors are encouraged to participate as volunteers and to offer resources to attendees.
Save the date for Family Camp 2025: September 5-7, 2025. For more information please contact
Check it out!: Family Camp 2022
For more information, please contact Aftercare at 919-962-8427 or refer to our Contacts page.