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On UNC-TV’s “North Carolina People,” Sheridan and Friday discuss heart surgery

July 16, 2009
Bill Friday and Brett Sheridan On UNC-TV’s “North Carolina People,” host Bill Friday recently interviewed Brett Sheridan, M.D., about heart surgery and heart health.  Dr. Sheridan replaced Mr. Friday’s aortic valve last winter, and Mr. Friday asked him questions about this surgery.  Dr. Sheridan is associate professor of surgery at...

20 years of heart and lung transplantation at UNC

April 27, 2009
In its Spring 2009 issue, the UNC Medical Bulletin traces the development of the heart and lung transplantation programs at UNC Hospitals.  Dr. Michael Mill and Dr. Thomas Egan, both still on the faculty at UNC, started the programs after they were recruited by Dr. Benson Wilcox in 1988 and...

Dr. Sheridan and colleagues study treatment of acute coronary syndrome in the elderly

December 2, 2008
The elderly are at high risk of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) but receive less cardiac medication and invasive care than other groups. Two factors may explain this: limited data from randomized clinical trials and uncertainty about benefit and risk with advancing age. In two articles published recently in the journal...

Dr. Haithcock: Patients should know their options for lung cancer treatment

November 17, 2008
In a recent interview on NBC 17 TV,  Benjamin E. Haithcock, MD, a UNC cardiothoracic surgeon, discusssed disparities in treatment of lung cancer. He discussed the same topic at a Lung Cancer Awareness Symposium at UNC’s Lineberger Cancer Research Center on Nov. 17. Glenda Frazier, 40, came to UNC from...

Dr. Haithcock on lung cancer

June 30, 2008
Dr. Benjamin Haithcock of the UNC Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery was featured in a television interview about minorities and treatment of lung cancer. The interview was broadcast on WNCN TV (NBC 17, Raleigh) on Nov. 16, 2008. Knowing Options May Prevent Deaths From Lung Cancer By Julie Henry ©WNCN-TV (NBC-17),...

Dr. Haithcock on lung cancer

June 30, 2008
Dr. Benjamin Haithcock of the UNC Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery was featured in a television interview about minorities and treatment of lung cancer. The interview was broadcast on WNCN TV (NBC 17, Raleigh) on Nov. 16, 2008. Knowing Options May Prevent Deaths From Lung Cancer By Julie Henry ©NBC-17 TV,...