Training Core
The Training Core offers graduate students and fellows the opportunity to train in any of our labs and provides them with direct mentoring. Additionally, it facilitates interactions between UNC trainees and trainees/PIs from other TCORS groups around the country to ensure a solid grounding in tobacco regulatory science. We also encourage trainees to attend lectures on the respiratory system provided by the Department of Cell Biology and Physiology and provide them with access to existing seminars at the University of North Carolina (UNC), including lectures held by the Cystic Fibrosis and Pulmonary Research Center; Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Center; Center for Environmental Medicine, Asthma and Lung Biology (CEMALB); the Pulmonary Scholars Program, which is a collaboration between UNC, Duke, North Carolina State and the National Institute on Environmental Health and Science (NIEHS); and the Curriculum in Toxicology.
Lecture Series
Date | Lecturer | Topic | Location |
8/27/2015 | Kurt Ribisi | Tobacco Control Act | Marsico 2004 |
9/10/2015 | Ilona Jaspers | Toxicology of Cigarette and Tobacco Products | Marsico 2004 |
9/24/2015 | Robert Tarran | Tobacco Effects on Airway Hydration | Marsico 2004 |
10/8/2015 | Robert Tarran | Lung Diseases Related to Tobacco Exposure | Marsico 2004 |
10/22/2015 | Ilona Jaspers | Immunotoxicology of Tobacco Exposure | Marsico 2004 |
11/5/2015 | Gary Glish | Mass Spectrometry Techniques for Biomarker Characterization | Marsico 2004 |
11/19/2015 | Mehmet Kesimer | Biomarkers and Proteomic Effects – Technologies | Marsico 2004 |
12/17/2015 | Mehmet Kesimer | Tobacco Effects on Mucus Biology | Marsico 2004 |
3/10/2016 | Scott Randell | In vitro Models to Assess Tobacco Effects | Marsico 2004 |
3/24/2016 | Claire Doerschuk | Animal Models to Assess Tobacco Effects | Marsico 7004 |
4/7/2016 | Neil Alexis | Human Models to Assess Tobacco Effects | Marsico 7004 |
4/21/2016 | Amir Rezvani | Pharmacology of Nicotine Addiction | Marsico 7004 |
All lectures are held at 10:30 AM.