David Holbrook Travel Award
David Holbrook Travel Award for Graduate Students
The CiTEM (Curriculum in Toxicology and Environmental Medicine) and CEMALB (Center for Environmental Medicine, Asthma and Lung Biology) offers modest travel awards to assist with domestic travel expense of UNC-CH graduate students who are presenting papers at conferences or professional meetings in the United States.
- Students with a demonstrated research interest in Environmental Health
- Students who have submitted/accepted abstracts to a scientific meeting
The competition is open to students in UNC-CH PhD programs. Abstracts must be well crafted and students should have a strong academic record. Abstracts must demonstrate the relevance of the activity to the student’s academic and/or professional career objectives as they are related to Environmental Health research.
The award must be used to defray the cost of travel and accommodations. Awards will be up to $1000 each.
Submission Deadlines:
For travel in Spring/Summer 2023 February 3, 2023
For travel in Fall/Winter 2023 October 6, 2023
Please submit to:
David Chapman
Business Services Coordinator
Graduate Student Services Manager
Curriculum in Toxicology
Subject: David Holbrook Travel Award
Email must include:
- Completed David Holbrook Travel Award Application form
- Abstract and description of the meeting
- A current Curriculum Vitae / Bio sketch
- Letter of support from the research mentor which should address the following:
- Ranking of student’s work performance
- Relevance of the research program to Environmental Health
- Description of the student’s potential to make contributions to the field of Environmental Health
- Explanation on how this meeting/conference will enhance the students academic training in Environmental Health