by Lisa Maria Cross, photo courtesy of the Abacus team
In late October, the Abacus team attended the first in-person engagement opportunity for the new Carolina Across 100 (CX100) program Our State, Our Wellbeing.
This second program from the CX100 initiative involves the collaboration of the Suicide Prevention Institute (SPI) and 15 collaborative teams from across NC counties.
The forum took place over two days at UNC’s School of Government Knapp-Sanders building. The in-person event allowed the 15 teams got familiar with the program and met face-to-face with other collaborative teams. The forum allowed the teams to get to know each another and share ideas for their work plans for the upcoming year.
In what the CX100 team refers to as “team-science,” collaboratives shared advice and brainstormed solutions for challenges brought up during all-team discussions.
The Abacus team introduced themselves on the forum’s first day of the forum. They shared the different evaluation activities that teams will use. We described what evaluation will look like for this program and which evaluation activities we’ll bring to the 15 collaboratives during the program year. We explained what the Shared Measurement System is, how it will be used, why we’re using it for evaluation and the collaboratives’ role in the Shared Measurement System.
At the end of the forum, we asked the collaborative teams to complete a brief survey to provide feedback on the forum content and layout.