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The scholar leading the seminar you have agreed to serve as the expert for will reach out via email approximately one week prior to your seminar to schedule a preliminary meeting. During that preliminary meeting, you and the first-year scholars will discuss the topic of the selected paper with the hopes that you will provide background on the topic, context for the paper, and recommendations for 2-3 additional papers for discussion during the seminar. The lead scholar will disseminate the additional papers to the Program Leaders and second-year scholars.

As the expert for a particular seminar, our hope is that you will be able to join for the seminar discussion either in-person or virtually. The seminars occur on Thursday afternoons from 3:00pm to 4:30pm. The virtual link is emailed out a few days before each seminar. Should you choose to attend in person, the seminars are held in the Burnett-Womack Building in room 4051.