T32 Training
Training in the Curriculum in Genetics and Molecular Biology is generously supported by an National Research Service Award T32 grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of the National Institutes of Health.
The Curriculum in Genetics received a T32 award in 1974 (T32 GM 007092). That award was active continuously for 45 years, during which time it helped more than 300 students earn a PhD.
In 2018, NIGMS modernized the T32 description, rendering all existing awards ineligible for renewal. GMB wrote a new proposal and received a 5-year award (T32 GM 135128, 2020-2025).
The T32 award provides support for seven students in year 2, with a 2nd year of funding pending appropriate progress. Our goal is select a cohort of students from diverse backgrounds who will benefit from appointment. In addition to direct support to students, the T32 provides funds to support GMB programmatic elements, such as student-invited seminar speakers. Thus, all students in the program benefit from this award.
Applications for appointment to the GMB T32 are evaluated in May/June each year, with appointments typically starting July 1. The GMB Executive Committee scores applications using the following rubric. If a trainee from an Executive Committee member’s lab is applying, a non-conflicted GMB faculty member will score applications instead.
Students currently supported are:
2nd Year Students | Advisor(s) |
David Cully | Whitney Edwards |
Kelsey Duprey | Dale Ramsden |
Paolo Guerra | Gaorav Gupta |
Savannah Muron | Erin Heinzen |
Isabel Ott | Daniel Matute |
Deena Scoville | Melinda Yates |
3rd Year Students | Advisor(s) |
Sam Ardery | Fernando Pardo-Manuel de Villena & Marty Ferris |
Kit Cummins | Brian Strahl |
Alejandro Gomez | Hyejung Won |
Ethan Madden | Brian Strahl |
Gabby Puller | Pat Brenwald |
Mallory Sokolowski | Jesse Raab |
Rachel Szymanski | Frank Conlon |
Karla Troncoso | Bob Duronio |