Christian Long
Division of Clinical Laboratory Science
Graduation Year:
Current Employer and Job Title:
McLendon Core Laboratory – Medical Laboratory Technologist
Tell us about your job:
I absolutely love my career. I work nights in hematology at McLendon Core Laboratory at UNC Hospitals. Although the lab is very busy, the work is extremely rewarding. The patient is always in mind when analyzing results. It brings great joy to know that you are providing a service that will (1) ensure the results being reported are accurate and that (2) by doing so, are allowing the physician to make the most informed decision about the patient’s course of treatment.
How did your education with the Division of Clinical Laboratory Science benefit you?:
The clinical laboratory science (CLS) program has done an exceptional job with preparing me for my career as well as work and life in general. It taught me the knowledge and skills necessary for working in a clinical lab. It is truly surreal to see everything that we learned in the program come together as it does in the clinical lab—from the theory of tests and the physiological states of the body to the interpretation of cytograms and correlation of the patients’ results with their clinical history. Also, the program stressed professionalism (being on time, having a strong work ethic, taking responsibility for your actions, and showing respect for your peers and other colleagues), which I feel has helped me in all areas of life! Again, the CLS program has done an exceptional job preparing me for my career field.