Clinical Instructors
Policies & Procedures
All UNC-CH and Division of CLS Policies apply whether the student is on-campus or off-campus. In addition, students are expected to adhere to the policies of the host facility. If the facility’s policy (i.e., dress code) is more restrictive than the CLS policy, the student is governed by the facility policy.
All students should receive an orientation on their first day in your laboratory, to include the location and use of fire safety equipment; eyewashes, showers, and other chemical safety equipment; PPE and other biological safety equipment (e.g., biological safety cabinets, bench shields); handwashing facilities; first aid supplies; and waste disposal systems; as well as emergency contact numbers and an evacuation plan. They should also receive instruction regarding storage of personal items.
Remember that students have less experience than employees and may not exhibit the same level of dexterity, therefore they may need to use a higher level of personal protective equipment (PPE) than employees typically wear for a given procedure. We strongly encourage students to make use of face shields or bench shields in addition to other standard PPE whenever a procedure calls for manual manipulation of a sample or when there is any risk of aerosol production.
Student Information
- Meet our students.
- See the documentation required of students in the Division of CLS.
- If you need a rotation schedule, please contact Laine Stewart.
Forms You May Need
- Incident_report
- Post-exposure care protocol
- Professional Performance Report
- Phlebotomy Clinical Practice Evaluation
Additional Resources
Our clinical instructors are eligible for AHEC Digital Library membership. Through this membership you may access resources of the AHEC Digital Library and Carolina’s libraries, including the Health Sciences Library. To register, contact Mary Beth Schell, AHEC Digital Library manager, with your preferred email, phone number, and address.