Virtual Gathering for PTs, PTAs and Administrators August 2020
Download full PDF of these notes
- Contingency Plan template= posted, NOW UPDATED!! Please note there is a new version posted
- Also, check out the CDC infographic on FERPA/HIPAA in the telehealth resource section
Essential questions:
- Can the student’s current IEP be implemented as written?
- Will the student’s current IEP still be appropriate during the LEA re-opening transitions?
- Does the parent understand how services will be implemented during each re-opening transition?
8/5 @ 11a; #= 18
- Notes to Essential standards electives- steps to find and post on SBPT
- Meeting, no meeting?
- Not wanting school but to come in for RS Can we go into a home? Waiver
- Clean setting? 1:1 with all students;
- Joslyn developing screen and informed consent
- PPE- Clear face shield (caution on rsch), cloth mask, what is extreme? Contamination,
- Scheduling: limit- one school in the am and pm; creative
- Concerns around itinerant,
- UV stick- proven effective on toys, cloth, shoes; change of clothes/LEA purchasing scrubs; think gown/mask too scary; wearing glasses
- Treating outdoors
- Re-training staff to move/transfer from the back/both facing forward
- Bagging things to prevent cross-contamination, re-order PPE
- Focus on coaching instructional staff to limit exposure
- Changing phases, back and forth; discussion of LEA/phase status/plan
- Connecting as a community virtually to support/discuss (organized
- Difficult to support each student, collaborating to delegate tasks
- Far west group: contact
- Request for on-going virtual mtgs: Lead PT once every 9 weeks; PT/PTA once every 9 10am/2p
- Role of PTA for VRS- communication, creating/managing documents, finding videos/resources, interventions, programming and activities
- Triage/capture clinical reasoning &/or prioritiy
- Equity
- Requirement for parent/adult there, another adult/staff present
- Designated day/location for evaluation; self-contained class with barriers/curtains c all others plan C; parent choice/complex- remote/VRS; how to delivery service for more involved service
- Videos- individualization vs. general, audience, consider liability/safety
- Using blocks with activity options, leverage youtube videos
- com; Pink oatmeal; virtual PE
- Videos FROM parents for problem solving?
- Ensure contact- google voice offers telephone number (without having to share your personal number)- Pitt/Alamance uses
- Zoom (Healthcare version for tx);; Google meet
- TOO many platforms for parents (LEA deciding on one per ES, MS, HS)
- How can we simplify and collaborate scheduling and multiple platforms for parents? overlap sessions to ensure educational relevance
- LEAs allowing for staff’s children to attend 5d (Alamance, Pitt)
- Equipment- loaned out, maintenance, establishing procedures for management, training for positioning/supporting parents; plan to go to the home to adjust; loan agreement
- Be wary of denying FAPE, access AT
8/5 @ 2-3:19p; #= 7 [Michigan, VA, Montana, Illinois, PA]
- Appreciation of website
- Concern re: PS with mask wearing
- Issued N95
- PS assessment? Virtual PBA; how is PEDI-CAT, virtual/PS? DAY-C
- VA=Shower curtian & partitioners; making google slides with parent contact/check in slide, demo of activities with parent/CG as ehelper
- Inspired treehouse website; super simple songs; virtual PE; Patty Shulka (slower songs for mvt); growing little brains (OT-avoiding virtual burnout); com
- Focus on supporting instruction/teachers and infusing movement into instruction
- Align activities with parents with goal area/address impairments
- Google platform/ use google forms to collect data from parents nice interface
- Varied svc delivery models; paraprofessionals vary widely between states;
- Medicaid reimbursement? Making distinction between intervention and additional services
- Group therapy (majority no)
- No playground equipment/gym
- Requested OT & PT virtual mtg- assessment/intervention/PS context end of Aug
8/6 @ 12-1:22p; n= 13 [Zoombombed]
- Facilitator preps parent with role, activities props, etc. RSPs provide needed items/situations
- Pay attention to shoes! They go everywhere. Store clothes in trunk and immediately in washer
- UV research does not demonstrate effective; face shields not effective
- Pediatric PT Exercise Youtube channel
- Match test for masks
- Requesting shoe covers & eye protection (don’t use contacts)
8/7 @ 9:30-11:02a; n=10
- Not keeping students online longer than necessary, scheduling just before instruction to assist with positioning
- Also like to have in writing agreement/understanding/consensus from the parent via email
- Developing consent, reviewing contingency plans for delivery specifics/location/duration
- Tough getting in touch with some families/hear nothing, referral?
- General info on SBP
- RSP video is gone (re-post); ed v. clinical doc is helpful [re-posted it on home page of SBPT website]