Medicaid in Education Office Hours
Share ideas, procedures & policies, answer questions, clarify issues, network, brainstorm together. Bring your questions about Medicaid to these office hours over lunch, each month. Virtual Meeting Hub
Share ideas, procedures & policies, answer questions, clarify issues, network, brainstorm together. Bring your questions about Medicaid to these office hours over lunch, each month. Virtual Meeting Hub
Office hours for Post-secondary Transition (School to Adulthood) Bring your questions Share resources Virtual Meeting Hub
This school year, OT/PT Practice Pals will use the High Leverage Practices for Inclusive Classrooms (2nd Edition) to frame our 1 hour informal networking sessions. While it will be helpful to read the chapters indicated for each meeting, anyone can participate in these discussions without purchasing or reading the book. OT/PT Practice Pals meet to connect with … Read more
Bring any questions, confusion or issues you have regarding physical therapy or topics I can assist with or talk through with you. Let’s figure it out together! View on the Virtual Meeting Hub
Office hours to discuss transportation, potential procedures, program management options, resources, collaboration and the role of PT practitioners. Virtual Meeting Hub
Office hours to discuss equipment/Assistive technology for school, potential procedures, program management options, resources, liability, collaboration and the role of PT practitioners.
Share ideas, practices, answer questions, clarify issues, network, brainstorm together. Complete this form to arrange another day/time as well. Virtual Meeting Hub
On designated Fridays, we will hold a journal club. Every other month will be driven by PT and OT practice respectively; however, all disciplines are welcome to attend all journal clubs. Participants are invited to suggest/select articles and/or lead/support the discussion. Your team can attend and then set up your own journal club. We hope … Read more
Office hours to discuss strategies and resources to support clinical instruction in public schools. Virtual Meeting Hub