We are so proud of professors Dr. Nancy McKenna and Dr. Patricia Johnson as they present at the American Academy of Audiology’s national conference in St. Louis, MO. Their contributions to the profession represent the UNC HCC’s national presence and the expertise of our wonderful clinicians.
Dr. Nancy McKenna joined a panel of experts to present on Pharmacology Education.
Title: Preparing for the Future: How Much Pharmacology Education Do Aud Students Need?
Abstract: Audiologists currently need enough knowledge about pharmacological processes to identify effects of ototoxic and/or vestibulotoxic drugs. However, FDA-approved otoprotective drugs may one day become available. An American Academy of Audiology 2019 Task Force charged with exploring potential roles for audiologists in prescribing otoprotective agents identified apparent inconsistencies in pharmacology education within AUD programs as one potential constraint. These authors therefore surveyed US AUD programs about pharmacology education. Results indicate many AUD programs provide a limited foundation. Those with dedicated courses report value for students but challenges in implementation. We will discuss current practices, best practices, program needs, and future directions.
Dr. Patricia Johnson presented on verification of hearing aids through test box measures.
Title:Think Inside the Box: Test Box Measurements for the Busy Clinician
Abstract: This presentation will offer a review of the purpose and uses of test box measurements for the verification of hearing devices. Practical tips and recommendations will be provided for clinicians looking to expand their use of test box measurements or incorporate them for the first time. Special considerations will be offered for clinicians with limited time and resources who still wish to add value to their practice through test box measurements.