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CBS17 News Interviews Dr. Sjoblad

January 10, 2023
In light of the new WHO report on the risks of noise induced hearing loss for young adults, CBS17 News interviews faculty audiologist Dr. Stephanie Sjoblad for more information. Read it here!

ABC11 News Feature

October 28, 2022
With the finalization of the 2017 OTC Hearing Aid legislation, news organizations around the state have been looking for trustworthy information. In October, two experts from the UNC Hearing and Communication Center were highlighted. Former UNC AuD Class of 2019 graduate, and now Doctor of Audiology, Dr. Anne Marie Egan...

UNC HealthTalk: Protect Your Hearing Now

October 17, 2022
Learn more about protecting your hearing! UNC HealthTalk recently interviewed faculty audiologist, Patricia Johnson, AuD.

WRAL Interview: OTC Hearing Aids

October 4, 2022
Just in time for Better Hearing Month, WRAL news interviewed faculty audiologist, Dr. Johnson regarding the finalized OTC Hearing Aid law. Read or watch the recording here:

UNC HCC Says Goodbye and Thank You to Dr. Griffin

June 15, 2022
We regret to announce that Dr. Philip Griffin will be leaving the UNC Hearing and Communication Center at the end of June 2022 as he relocates to a different city. Dr. Griffin has provided both audiologic and vestibular diagnostic and rehabilitative services at the UNC HCC for over 5 years...

Welcome, New 2022-2023 Doctoral Externs!

June 10, 2022
You may see some new faces at the clinic! We are excited to welcome two new AuD Doctoral Externs – Zachary LaBarth, B.S. from Salus University and Nicole Oldrati, B.A. from East Carolina University. Both graduate clinicians are completing the final year of their respective doctoral programs with us at...

North Carolina Audiology Association Advocacy Day

May 25, 2022
Advocacy in Action! Recently, a group of audiologists and audiology graduate students from across the state met in Raleigh to participate in the North Carolina Audiology Association Advocacy Day. Meetings with legislators were conducted all day, as NCAA advocated for the passing of bills that will support the profession and...

Congratulations, Dr. Roa!

April 30, 2022
For the last year, Maria Roa has acted as the UNC HCC 4th year doctoral extern. Many of you will have worked with her in the clinic and know that she was an excellent student clinician and that she provided compassionate and comprehensive care. We were so fortunate to have...

Faculty Audiologists Present at National Conference

March 30, 2022
We are so proud of professors Dr. Nancy McKenna and Dr. Patricia Johnson as they present at the American Academy of Audiology’s national conference in St. Louis, MO. Their contributions to the profession represent the UNC HCC’s national presence and the expertise of our wonderful clinicians.   Dr. Nancy McKenna...

Mastering Masked Communication: Interview with Dr. Johnson

November 8, 2021
Faculty audiologist, Dr. Patricia Johnson was recently interviewed by The Well regarding communicating with masks in the classroom and with work colleagues. Read the entire story here!