Kelly Reilly earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Education from Wake Forest University and a Master of Education degree from UNC Chapel Hill. Her career in public education spanned thirteen years as a classroom instructor and literacy specialist, during which time she earned certification from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. She also spent six years working with Dr. Gerald Bell from Bell Leadership Institute in Chapel Hill. Kelly joined IHQI in 2018 as a Project Coordinator, supporting IHQI’s various program activities and operations. Kelly transitioned to the role of Quality Leader in 2020, and Senior Quality Leader in 2024, serving as a project coach for Improvement Scholars and continuing to support IHQI’s various programs. She earned her Interprofessional Graduate Certificate in Improvement Science and Implementation from UNC School of Education in 2023, and became an adjunct instructor in 2024, teaching the course, “System Improvement and Implementation at Scale” for undergraduates. Her interests include clinician leadership development, model for improvement, healthcare equity, health literacy and patient education.
Kelly Reilly, MEd
Senior Quality & Organizational Excellence Leader