Lab Members
Patrick Ellsworth, MD
Research Interests: I am interested in the interaction of coagulation proteins (specifically von Willebrand Factor) with endothelium in Sickle Cell Disease and bleeding disorders. I am currently using a microfluidic system to evaluate the interaction of erythrocytes with von Willebrand Factor. Another goal in using these systems is to develop a usable assay to predict and evaluate patient response to therapies in Sickle Cell Disease. Additionally, I am working with the Monroe Lab to investigate mechanisms of thrombosis in emicizumab, a non-factor drug used in the treatment of Hemophilia A.
Clinically, I am interested in Sickle Cell Disease and bleeding disorders. Specifically, I work with members of our clinical team to improve transitions from pediatric to adult care in a multidisciplinary setting.”
Anton Ilich, MD
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Research Interests: My main research interest is the fibrinolytic system. I personally believe fibrinolysis is an important and integral part of the hemostatic system, and I want to understand how, in different pathological conditions, its activity influences clinical outcomes. For that purpose, I am mainly focused on global methods of estimating fibrinolytic activity.
Yuriy Prokopenko, MD
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Research Interests: Being a physician in internal medicine encouraged me to focus on thrombosis as frequent complications of various disorders, especially patients with SARS-Cov-2, oncology, liver pathology, and systemic autoimmune disorders.
Currently, my main interest in the hemostatic system is a contact activation of the coagulation cascade. I believe that the intrinsic pathway plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of thrombosis, meanwhile being more challenging to investigate. This drives my scientific interest to focus on elaborating precise and relevant mechanisms of this system.
Chatphatai Moonla, MD MSc
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Research Interests: As a hematologist, my research of interest is focusing on hemostasis/thrombosis and its relationship with red cell abnormalities, including sickle cell disease and trait, thalassemia and hemoglobinopathy, and other hemolytic anemias. I am also interested in alterations of coagulation and fibrinolytic systems in a wide range of hemostasis/thrombosis disorders, such as low von Willebrand factor, bleeding of unknow cause, chronic liver disease, and cancer-associated thrombosis.
Rachel Sielaty
Research Technician
Research Interests: “I’m interested in bleeding disorders and the coagulation cascade in Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) and Sickle Cell Trait (SCT). Understanding the physiology and characteristics of the red blood cells, particularly in SCT, allows for knowledge on clinical predispositions of this population and provides insight on potential corresponding treatment therapies. I’m also interested in how SCD and SCT affect pregnant individuals and their increased likelihood of experiencing pre-eclampsia, pregnancy loss or stillbirth, pregnancy-related venous thromboembolism, and/or pre-term deliveries.”
Izabela Pawlinski
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Research Interests: “I am interested in sickle cell disease and sickle cell trait and continuing to learn about the coagulation cascade. Additionally, I am interested in the role of NETs in coagulation.”