Microsurgery and Animal Models
Aortic banding (TAC)
- Minipump/Telemetry Implantation
- Arterial and venous cannulation
- Carotid or renal artery ligation
- Ferric chloride-induced thrombosis model
- Cardiac arrest/resuscitation murine model
Cardiac Phenotyping and Physiology Assessment
- Echocardiography (Ultrasound of hearts and large or small vessels)
- Hands-on training for echocardiography and echo analysis is available
- Other services (Cardiomyocytes Isolation, Langendorff, and Working Heart Perfusion)
Equipment Rental
- Vevo2100 Ultrasound system (Echocardiography)
- CODA High Throughput System (Non-invasive blood pressure measurement)
- Surgical table with Zeiss two-head Surgical Microscope
- Ultra-Precise Small Animal Stereotaxic instrument
- Olympus SZX-16 fluorescence microscope
- Leica confocal microscope
- Workstation with LabChart 8.0 pro and Vevo Lab