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Victoria L Bautch, Ph.D.AngiogensisCongratulations to the lab of Victoria L. Bautch, Ph.D., Beverly Long Chapin Distinguished Professor of Biology; Co-Director, UNC McAllister Heart Institute, for publishing paper, titled “SMAD6 Transduces Endothelial Cell Flow Responses Required for Vascular Homeostasis” in the journal Angiogenesis.


Dana Ruter, Ph.D.The work from Dr. Bautch’s lab was led by former postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Dana Ruter, along with research associate, Ziqing Liu, former undergraduate student, Kim Ngo, postbac student, Shaka X, postbac/zebrafish research specialist, Allison Marvin, graduate student, Danielle Buglak, and former undergraduate student, Elise Kidder.

Ziqing LiuShaka XAllison MarvinDanielle Berlin