Graduate Certificate Program in Cardiovascular Science
The Certificate Program in Cardiovascular Science was established in 2013 to provide UNC Chapel Hill graduate students with a more in-depth academic experience in the field of cardiovascular research. Certificate programs at UNC are offered by academic schools, departments, or curricula and consist of courses and other related experiences in specialized fields. Upon completion of program requirements, certificates are awarded in recognition of competence in a given skill, practice, or field of study. Certificates carry academic credit and are awarded in addition to graduate degrees granted by specific Departments or Curricula.
Participants in the Graduate Certificate Program in Cardiovascular Science will interact with a large number of investigators within UNC’s McAllister Heart Institute (MHI) and will receive training in a variety of settings (classroom, research lab, seminars, symposia). The educational objectives of the program are as follows;
1) To provide students with a broad understanding of cardiovascular development, physiology, pharmacology, and disease.
2) To keep students abreast of recent advancements in cardiovascular research.
3) To provide practical training in cardiovascular research methods.
4) To increase students’ exposure to career and funding opportunities in the cardiovascular field.
Coursework Requirements
6 credit hours from the following:
Path 766 – Current topics in Cardiovascular Science (3h) – Mack |
Path 767 – Pathobiology of CV disease (3h) – Homeister/Mack |
Path 920 – Seminar in Interdisciplinary Vascular Biology (1h) – Mack |
And 3 credit hours from a graduate level course that contains cardiovascular content (see below for examples).
Contact Dr. Mack if you have questions about a course not listed here.
Path 713 Mechanisms of disease – Homeister (3h) |
CBPH 852 Experimental Physiology of Health and Human Disease – Shea (4.5h) |
CBPH 853 Experimental Physiology of Health and Human Disease – Otey (4.5h) |
Phco 701 Intro to molecular pharmacology – Wang (3h) |
Phco 702 Principles of pharmacology and physiology – Wang (3h) |
Biol 624 Developmental genetics – Bautch (3h) |
Thesis Requirements
Completion of thesis work (including a successful defense) with an MHI-associated faculty member
Completion of a thesis that contains a significant cardiovascular component as judged by the Certificate Program Faculty Advising Committee (Mack, Mackman, Taylor, Caron)
Attendance at the MHI sponsored cardiovascular seminar series
Participation in the IVB/MHI annual research symposium
To apply, please contact the Program Director, Christopher Mack, for more information