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Program Overview

Microbiology & Immunology has the largest single-department PhD program among the 14 in BBSP, with ~60 students.  We have a comprehensive training program designed to foster excellence. Some perhaps unusual aspects of the MCRO PhD include a required MCRO795 course to develop and write research proposals that uses one faculty member for every two students to provide frequent and extensive feedback; a written preliminary examination that fairly and appropriately evaluates readiness for the PhD through preparation of an original non-dissertation research proposal; an expectation of at least two first-author research publications supported by a creative minimum publication requirement that requires none; and a White Coat Ceremony for new students that welcomes family participation and features a Graduate Student Oath composed by the students.

Program Objectives

Our goal is to train MCRO Ph.D. students to become first-rate scientists. The skills that we aim to impart include:

  • Acquisition of broad background knowledge in modern microbiology and immunology.
  • The ability to critically evaluate the scientific literature.
  • Strong written and oral communication skills.
  • Facility in experimental design and execution, from concept through interpretation of results to publication.
  • Fostering collaboration and comfort with interdisciplinary science.
  • Teaching experience.
  • Appropriate professional conduct, including the responsible conduct of research.

Over many years, the Microbiology & Immunology faculty have spent a lot of time thinking about and debating how to best educate graduate students. Each aspect of our curriculum is designed to foster one or more of the skills listed above. Our department has collectively developed and fine-tuned a coherent and comprehensive plan for graduate education. An obvious measure of our commitment to education is the willingness with which faculty devote an exceptional amount of time to implementing our plan.

Program Contacts

For questions about the MCRO PhD, contact Director of Graduate Studies Bob Bourret.

For questions about the preliminary exams, contact Associate Director of Graduate Studies Ray Pickles.

For questions about the Special MS program, contact Program Director Sarah Joseph.