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Are you involved in global health research? Consider submitting an abstract to the NC Triangle Global Health Consortium conference. Deadlines are below. Good luck…and keep in mind the OIA has conference reimbursement stipends for UNC medical students accepted to present at a global health conference. If approved, OIA reimbursements are for up to $500 to offset travel, registration costs, transportation and meals. That application is on the OIA website.


The Triangle Global Health Annual Conference

September 27, 2018


Share your #globalhealth work! Submit your abstract now for our 2018 Triangle Global Health Annual Conference on Sept 27 in Raleigh.


Theme = Looking toward the future: Innovation for Global Health Impact.

Looking Toward the Future:

Innovation for Global Health Impact

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Talley Student Union, North Carolina State University

Raleigh, North Carolina


Join us for the 2018 Triangle Global Health Annual Conference on September 27 in Raleigh, North Carolina! Our 2018 theme is Looking Toward the Future: Innovation for Global Health Impact.

What exactly is innovation and how do we know it when we see it? How can we design, implement and manage innovative ideas to drive global health solutions?  And, most importantly, how do we know if we are making an impact on the health of communities worldwide?


The 2014 Triangle Global Health Conference explored how to bridge the gap between innovations in research and program implementation. The 2018 Triangle Global Health Annual Conference will bring together global health leaders to address the significant ways that we can utilize innovative ideas to have a positive impact on the communities we serve. This year, our conference will address innovation from a broader and more comprehensive viewpoint.


The conference will showcase examples of innovation as well as a variety of definitions of “innovation”: Innovation can be a new idea, program, or more-effective device or process. Innovation can also be used to design, implement and evaluate more effective solutions.


Attendees and presenters will explore expanded notions of innovation that are inclusive of, but far broader than technology alone. Sessions will delve into various types of innovation including global health program innovation, medical technology, mHealth and innovative business models.


We look forward to exploring the role of innovation in global health and hope you will join us!


The submission deadline for panel discussions, workshops, and story-telling is July 11, 5pm ET.


The submission deadline for poster presentations is August 15, 5pm ET.
There are 4 different session types:

  1.   Panel Discussion (60 minutes):

A panel discussion consists of 3-4 speakers and a moderator. Each panelist will have time for a 7-10 minute presentation, allowing for at least 30 minutes of discussion among the panelists and the audience. Panelists should reflect diversity of organizations and viewpoints, and all panelists need to be identified at the time of submission, including names, email addresses, and short bios. Preference will be given to panels that incorporate representatives from multiple sectors and/or cross-cutting themes.


**We only accept abstracts for fully formed Panel Discussions and will not review submissions for individual presentations.**



  1.       Workshop (60 minutes):  

A workshop is an interactive session designed to teach participants practical skills, techniques, or ideas which they can use in their work or their daily lives.  Workshops will be conducted in rooms with 8-person round tables. The workshop can take a number of formats. You will be asked to submit learning objectives for the session, as well as names and short bios for any co-facilitators.



  1. Story-Telling (7 minutes):

A story is an oral presentation about a personal experience as told by one person.  The story should be related to either a global health failure or success and what you learned from the experience.  Stories are told in under 7 minutes during plenary sessions.  Slides can be used with images but no text.  They can be funny, serious, emotional, and/or practical, but they must be true.


 4.       Poster Presentation:

Poster presentations provide a visual display of your project.  Selected poster presentations will have dedicated space to present during the conference.


Review and Notification Process
Each submission will be reviewed by the TGHC Conference Committee. Submissions will be judged based on relevance to the global health community, connection to the theme of the conference, innovation and quality.

If you submit a workshop, panel, or storytelling abstract, you will be notified by August 15 on the status of your submission.

If you submit a poster abstract, you will be notified by September 7 on the status of your submission.